Constantinople's change of name was the theme for a song made famous by, "Constantinople" was one of the "big words" the Father knows toward the end of, "Constantinople" was also the title of the opening edit of, A Montreal-based folk/classical/fusion band calls itself "Constantinople. [6][33] Constantine divided the expanded city, like Rome, into 14 regions, and ornamented it with public works worthy of an imperial metropolis. According to Zaruhi Galemkearian's autobiography, she was told to write about women's place in the family and home after she published two volumes of poetry in the 1890s. Some even claimed “Better Turkish turban than Latin Miter” before the fall of Constantinople. Nuns were ravished in their convents. From the 5th century, the city was also protected by the Anastasian Wall, a 60-kilometer chain of walls across the Thracian peninsula. "Among the masterpieces destroyed, writes Talbot, "were a Herakles attributed to the fourth-century B.C. [80] Moreover, symbols of Christianity were everywhere vandalized or destroyed, including the crucifix of Hagia Sophia which was paraded through the sultan's camps. The city was named after Constantine, the first emperor to welcome Christianity in the Roman Empire. I am a licensed tour guide operating in Istanbul. J M Hussey, The Byzantine World, Hutchinson, London, 1967, p. 92. The name "Constantinople" is still used by members of the Eastern Orthodox Church in the title of one of their most important leaders, the Orthodox patriarch based in the city, referred to as "His Most Divine All-Holiness the Archbishop of Constantinople New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch." From the Augustaeum led a great street, the Mese, lined with colonnades. Byzantines took back majority of the Anatolia from Turks until they lost it to another Turkish kingdom: Seljuk Sultanate of Rum. In the 8th and 9th centuries, the iconoclast movement caused serious political unrest throughout the Empire. These developments caused the eternal capital Rome to lose its importance. ", Constantinople under Justinian is the scene of the book, "Constantinople" is the title of a song by, Constantinople makes an appearance in the MMORPG game, Constantinople makes an appearance in the ", Constantinople also makes an appearance in ", Constantinople makes an appearance in the game ", Constantinople is the main setting of the game ". After the construction of the Theodosian Walls in the early 5th century, it was extended to the new Golden Gate, reaching a total length of seven Roman miles. The Byzantine Empire, also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantium, was the continuation of the Roman Empire in its eastern provinces during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantinople (modern Istanbul, formerly Byzantium). Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Empire on 29 May 1453. The map above depicts the city as it would have looked during the Byzantine … Constantinople once again became the capital of a rising empire. Even today, many quarters of Istanbul, such as Aksaray, Çarşamba, bear the names of the places of origin of their inhabitants. Ball (2016), pp. Volume 1. The popular name Constantinople or ‘City of Constantine’ soon replaced the … After the death of Theodosius, the empire was divided into east and west. He chose to split the huge empire into n eastern and western parts, with a ruler for each portion of the empire. At the beginning of the 4th century, the Roman Empire was tired of fighting the barbarians in the West and the Sassanids (Persians) in the East. It is from King Byzas that the city received its former name "Byzantium". After the victory, in 534, the Temple treasure of Jerusalem, looted by the Romans in AD 70 and taken to Carthage by the Vandals after their sack of Rome in 455, was brought to Constantinople and deposited for a time, perhaps in the Church of St Polyeuctus, before being returned to Jerusalem in either the Church of the Resurrection or the New Church.[39]. In Hagia Sophia itself, drunken soldiers could be seen tearing down the silken hangings and pulling the great silver iconostasis to pieces, while sacred books and icons were trampled under foot. Korolija Fontana-Giusti, Gordana 'The Urban Language of Early Constantinople: The Changing Roles of the Arts and Architecture in the Formation of the New Capital and the New Consciousness' in, This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 13:16. Fall of Constantinople, (May 29, 1453), conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire. By 1900, several Armenian journals had started to include works by female contributors including the Constantinople-based Tsaghik. Hello explorer of Istanbul! It possessed a proconsul, rather than an urban prefect. One of Theodosius’ sons, 12-year-old Honorius, became the Western Roman Emperor, while his 18-year-old son, Arcadius, became the head of Eastern Rome. According to Russian 14th-century traveler Stephen of Novgorod: "As for Hagia Sophia, the human mind can neither tell it nor make description of it.". [58] Following the death of her son Leo IV in 780, the empress Irene restored the veneration of images through the agency of the Second Council of Nicaea in 787. This was the great cathedral of the city, whose dome was said to be held aloft by God alone, and which was directly connected to the palace so that the imperial family could attend services without passing through the streets. [95][97], Capital city of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, the Latin and the Ottoman Empire, This article is about the historical city from 330 to 1453. I wish you a nice holiday in Istanbul! Each guild had its own monopoly, and tradesmen might not belong to more than one. This event is known as the fall of Constantinople. The urban prefects had concurrent jurisdiction over three provinces each in the adjacent dioceses of Thrace (in which the city was located), Pontus and Asia comparable to the 100-mile extraordinary jurisdiction of the prefect of Rome. Under the Comnenian dynasty (1081–1185), Byzantium staged a remarkable recovery. Constantinople was founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine I (272–337) in 324[6] on the site of an already-existing city, Byzantium, which was settled in the early days of Greek colonial expansion, in around 657 BC, by colonists of the city-state of Megara. Short History of Byzantine Empire and its Capital Constantinople At the beginning of the 4th century, the Roman Empire was tired of fighting the barbarians in the West and the Sassanids (Persians) in the East. Tension between the citizens and the Latin soldiers increased. During the rule of the Palaiologan emperors, beginning with Michael VIII in 1261, the economy of the once-mighty Byzantine state was crippled, and never regained its former stature. [84] From all over the Islamic empire, prisoners of war and deported people were sent to the city: these people were called "Sürgün" in Turkish (Greek: σουργούνιδες). After the barbarians overran the Western Roman Empire, Constantinople became the indisputable capital city of the Roman Empire. These controversies contributed to the deterioration of relations between the Western and the Eastern Churches. argue that these sophisticated fortifications allowed the east to develop relatively unmolested while Ancient Rome and the west collapsed. Vol II, p. 386; Robinson (1965), The First Turkish Republic, p. 298, Commemorative coins that were issued during the 330s already refer to the city as. Justinian commissioned Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus to replace it with a new and incomparable Hagia Sophia. Justinian is also famous for creating Codex Justinianus, which is the codification of Roman law. Romans reconstructed and adorned the city and named it “New Rome” (330 AD) which eventually became the famous Constantinople. This was reflected in Constantinople by the construction of the Blachernae palace, the creation of brilliant new works of art, and general prosperity at this time: an increase in trade, made possible by the growth of the Italian city-states, may have helped the growth of the economy. Roman Empire had vast borders when Constantine managed to be the sole ruler of Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The fact that Muslim forces were so close to Europe triggered the Pope to take urgent measures. In the 1880s, Matteos Mamurian invited Srpouhi Dussap to submit essays for Arevelian Mamal. Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 1986 vol 4. The emperor stimulated private building by promising householders gifts of land from the imperial estates in Asiana and Pontica and on 18 May 332 he announced that, as in Rome, free distributions of food would be made to the citizens. Georgacas, Demetrius John (1947). Theodosius also founded a University near the Forum of Taurus, on 27 February 425. [26] Apart from this, little is known about this initial settlement. Filed Under: HISTORY Tagged With: Byzantine. After conquering the city, Sultan Mehmed II transferred the capital of his Empire to Constantinople. Emperor Justinian became the greatest emperor who ruled the Byzantine Empire. Wounded women and children lay dying in the streets. I hope to see you in Istanbul one day. [28] A farsighted treaty with the emergent power of Rome in c. 150 BC which stipulated tribute in exchange for independent status allowed it to enter Roman rule unscathed. It menaced Constantinople in 678 and again in 717-18, though failing both times to capture the city. [31] It was a move greatly criticized by the contemporary consul and historian Cassius Dio who said that Severus had destroyed "a strong Roman outpost and a base of operations against the barbarians from Pontus and Asia". [36] After the construction of the Theodosian Walls, Constantinople consisted of an area approximately the size of Old Rome within the Aurelian walls, or some 1,400 ha.[37]. [18][21] This name was used in Turkish alongside Kostantiniyye, the more formal adaptation of the original Constantinople, during the period of Ottoman rule, while western languages mostly continued to refer to the city as Constantinople until the early 20th century. In: 'Dünden bugüne İstanbul ansiklopedisi', ed. [...] When [...] order was restored, [...] citizens were tortured to make them reveal the goods that they had contrived to hide. Nearby was the vast Hippodrome for chariot-races, seating over 80,000 spectators, and the famed Baths of Zeuxippus. He was called Saviour of Europe. Although Constantinople was retaken by Michael VIII Palaiologos, the Empire had lost many of its key economic resources, and struggled to survive. [7] The city became famous for its architectural masterpieces, such as Hagia Sophia, the cathedral of the Eastern Orthodox Church, which served as the seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the sacred Imperial Palace where the Emperors lived, the Galata Tower, the Hippodrome, the Golden Gate of the Land Walls, and opulent aristocratic palaces. It had become too massive to run under just one man. According to some historians, Emperor Constantine predicted this disaster. The peace terms demanded by Alp Arslan, sultan of the Seljuk Turks, were not excessive, and Romanus accepted them. The Theodosian Walls consisted of a double wall lying about 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) to the west of the first wall and a moat with palisades in front. In the Ottoman period Islamic architecture and symbolism were used. By their style, arrangement, and iconography the mosaics of St. Mark's at Venice and of the cathedral at Torcello clearly reveal their Byzantine origin. Please check Private Tour of Byzantine Istanbul website for more information. The Venetians [...] seized treasures and carried them off to adorn [...] their town. [47], While the city withstood a siege by the Sassanids and Avars in 626, Heraclius campaigned deep into Persian territory and briefly restored the status quo in 628, when the Persians surrendered all their conquests. For this purpose, he chose Byzantium, a small Greek city. Read More…. Oct 30, 2016 - Explore Kate Heming Panchal's board "Byzantine / Ottoman / Constantinople 1453", followed by 160 people on Pinterest. Turkish warlords on its eastern borders around Nicaea became serious threats. He removed Theodora from the Great Palace to the Carian Palace and later to the monastery of Gastria, but, after the death of Bardas, she was released to live in the palace of St Mamas; she also had a rural residence at the Anthemian Palace, where Michael was assassinated in 867. [74] The Emperor achieved this by summoning former residents who had fled the city when the crusaders captured it, and by relocating Greeks from the recently reconquered Peloponnese to the capital. However, after a while most of Western Europe (formerly the heartland of the empire) fell to barbarian invaders (476 AD). The new programme of building was carried out in great haste: columns, marbles, doors, and tiles were taken wholesale from the temples of the empire and moved to the new city. Beautiful silks from the workshops of Constantinople also portrayed in dazzling colour animals – lions, elephants, eagles, and griffins – confronting each other, or represented Emperors gorgeously arrayed on horseback or engaged in the chase. The wealth of the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia flowed into Constantinople. a narrow strip of the Thracian shore at the mouth of the Pontos, They were known for their ferocity, honour, and loyalty. [9] The city was the home of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and guardian of Christendom's holiest relics such as the Crown of thorns and the True Cross. Nobles could wear clothes dyed with Tyrian purple, which set them apart from commoners because it was tremendously expensive to produce and they were banned from wearing it anyway. He also granted funds for the restoration of the Church of the Holy Apostles, which had been seriously damaged in an earthquake.[71]. From the tenth to the twelfth century Byzantium was the main source of inspiration for the West. In East and South Slavic languages, including in medieval Russia, Constantinople has been referred to as Tsargrad (Царьград) or Carigrad, 'City of the Caesar (Emperor)', from the Slavonic words tsar ('Caesar' or 'King') and grad ('city'). Following the Pope’s order, the Crusader armies of Europe marched through Constantinople in the 12th and 13th centuries. "Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year Ended June 30, 1912." No matter how much Byzantine Empire was still on the military, administrative and legal basis established by the Roman Empire, another culture had emerged. [51], In 980, the emperor Basil II received an unusual gift from Prince Vladimir of Kyiv: 6,000 Varangian warriors, which Basil formed into a new bodyguard known as the Varangian Guard. Subsequent to this, new walls were built to defend the city and the fleet on the Danube improved. In February 1204, the people rose again: Alexius IV was imprisoned and executed, and Murzuphlus took the purple as Alexius V. He made some attempt to repair the walls and organise the citizenry, but there had been no opportunity to bring in troops from the provinces and the guards were demoralised by the revolution. Before their departure, the ship of the commander Belisarius was anchored in front of the Imperial palace, and the Patriarch offered prayers for the success of the enterprise. "The Chronicle of Theophones Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813". [94][95][96] The Chinese histories even related how the city had been besieged in the 7th century by Muawiyah I and how he exacted tribute in a peace settlement. Latin invasion lasted from 1204 to 1261 and it was finally repelled by a Byzantine prince. However, when it came to the Fourth Crusade, they attacked Constantinople, the heart of Orthodox Christianity. "[71], The Nicaean emperor John III Vatatzes reportedly saved several churches from being dismantled for their valuable building materials; by sending money to the Latins "to buy them off" (exonesamenos), he prevented the destruction of several churches. I am a licensed TOUR GUIDE IN ISTANBUL. Thousands of Turkoman tribesmen crossed the unguarded frontier and moved into Anatolia. set up their dwellings at the place where the rivers Kydaros and Barbyses have their estuaries, one flowing from the north, the other from the west, and merging with the sea at the altar of the nymph called Semestre", The city maintained independence as a city-state until it was annexed by Darius I in 512 BC into the Persian Empire, who saw the site as the optimal location to construct a pontoon bridge crossing into Europe as Byzantium was situated at the narrowest point in the Bosphorus strait. Similarly those of the Palatine Chapel, the Martorana at Palermo, and the cathedral of Cefalù, together with the vast decoration of the cathedral at Monreale, demonstrate the influence of Byzantium on the Norman Court of Sicily in the twelfth century. The Roman, Byzantine (or Eastern Roman), Latin and Ottoman empires all coveted the city due to its strategic and commercial importance. Alice-Mary Talbot cites an estimated population for Constantinople of 400,000 inhabitants; after the destruction wrought by the Crusaders on the city, about one third were homeless, and numerous courtiers, nobility, and higher clergy, followed various leading personages into exile. Heraclius lived to witness most of these losses, finally dying in 641 A.D. The 18-meter-tall walls built by Theodosius II were, in essence, impregnable to the barbarians coming from south of the Danube river, who found easier targets to the west rather than the richer provinces to the east in Asia. Margaret Barker, Times Literary Supplement 4 May 2007, p. 26. This is a fantastic option to see some of the ICONIC LANDMARKS in the whole of Istanbul and you’ll receive plenty of background information on each location to enlighten you. Its city walls were much imitated (for example, see Caernarfon Castle) and its urban infrastructure was moreover a marvel throughout the Middle Ages, keeping alive the art, skill and technical expertise of the Roman Empire. Because it was located between the Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara the land area that needed defensive walls was reduced, and this helped it to present an impregnable fortress enclosing magnificent palaces, domes, and towers, the result of the prosperity it achieved from being the gateway between two continents (Europe and Asia) and two seas (the Mediterranean and the Black Sea). In 1204, however, the armies of the Fourth Crusade took and devastated the city, and its inhabitants lived several decades under Latin rule. In the late 11th century catastrophe struck with the unexpected and calamitous defeat of the imperial armies at the Battle of Manzikert in Armenia in 1071. 152–153; see also endnote No. [49], Theodora, widow of the Emperor Theophilus (died 842), acted as regent during the minority of her son Michael III, who was said to have been introduced to dissolute habits by her brother Bardas. The Emperor Romanus Diogenes was captured. sculptor Lysippos, and monumental figures of Hera, Paris, and Helen. It lay on the waterways between the black sea and the Aegean Sea. Your email address will not be published. Constantinople – capital of the Byzantine Empire From the reign of the emperor Diocletian (CE 284 to 311), the Roman Empire was divided between an eastern and western emperor. Translated with commentary by Cyril Mango and Roger Scott. For its predecessor in Greek and early Roman times, see, "Constantinopolis" and "Konstantinopolis" redirect here. Constantinople was built over six years, and consecrated on 11 May 330. Visitors and merchants were especially struck by the beautiful monasteries and churches of the city, in particular the Hagia Sophia, or the Church of Holy Wisdom. [62] In 1171, Constantinople also contained a small community of 2,500 Jews. Yet, to the children of Caine, Constantinople is more than just another capital; and to three methuselahs the city is a bastion of hope, an accomplishment that will survive until the Last Night. Also, alone in Europe until the 13th-century Italian florin, the Empire continued to produce sound gold coinage, the solidus of Diocletian becoming the bezant prized throughout the Middle Ages. [43], Justinian also had Anthemius and Isidore demolish and replace the original Church of the Holy Apostles and Hagia Irene built by Constantine with new churches under the same dedication. This decision was based on political and economic reasons. Unlike the Western Roman Empire, the most important language was Greek, not Latin, and Greek culture and identity dominated. Bronze and lead were removed from the roofs of abandoned buildings and melted down and sold to provide money to the chronically under-funded Empire for defense and to support the court; Deno John Geanokoplos writes that "it may well be that a division is suggested here: Latin laymen stripped secular buildings, ecclesiastics, the churches. By the turn of the century the Byzantine Empire had irrevocably lost Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Northern Africa, while the Sassanid state had been overthrown. [93], Constantinople's fame was such that it was described even in contemporary Chinese histories, the Old and New Book of Tang, which mentioned its massive walls and gates as well as a purported clepsydra mounted with a golden statue of a man. [81] Afterwards he ordered his soldiers to stop hacking at the city's valuable marbles and 'be satisfied with the booty and captives; as for all the buildings, they belonged to him'. J B Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, p. 75. The city was briefly renamed Augusta Antonina in the early 3rd century AD by the Emperor Septimius Severus (193–211), who razed the city to the ground in 196 for supporting a rival contender in the civil war and had it rebuilt in honour of his son Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (who succeeded him as Emperor), popularly known as Caracalla. The illustration above is the city map of ancient Constantinople. [85], Even before Constantinople was founded, the markets of Byzantion were mentioned first by Xenophon and then by Theopompus who wrote that Byzantians "spent their time at the market and the harbour". [54], The Book of the Eparch, which dates to the 10th century, gives a detailed picture of the city's commercial life and its organization at that time. For three days the ghastly scenes [...] continued, till the huge and beautiful city was a shambles. [73] Nicaea and Epirus both vied for the imperial title, and tried to recover Constantinople. Dear Serhat Engul, I like your style to make your presence in your profession. "The Policy of Mehmed II toward the Greek Population of Istanbul and the Byzantine Buildings of the City." Private Ephesus Tour from Istanbul in 2021, Private Cappadocia Tour from Istanbul 2021. [76][77] In 1453, when the Ottoman Turks captured the city, it contained approximately 50,000 people.[78]. where fish and stag graze on the same pasture, AM 6030 pg 316, with this note: Theophanes' precise date should be accepted. The cumulative influence of the city on the west, over the many centuries of its existence, is incalculable. After 45,000 captives were marched from the city, building projects were commenced immediately after the conquest, which included the repair of the walls, construction of the citadel, and building a new palace. In response, the Turks began to move into Anatolia in 1073. The Turks, having a strong land army, posed a great danger to the eastern borders of Byzantium. It marked the main outcome of the Fourth Crusade. Constantine's foundation gave prestige to the Bishop of Constantinople, who eventually came to be known as the Ecumenical Patriarch, and made it a prime center of Christianity alongside Rome. where two pups drink of the gray sea, One of these Turkish principalities, established by a chieftain named Osman Ghazi (aka Othman), grew into the Ottoman Empire. [72] According to Talbot, these included the churches of Blachernae, Rouphinianai, and St. Michael at Anaplous. Swift attributed the construction of a series of flying buttresses to shore up the walls of the church, which had been weakened over the centuries by earthquake tremors. Aristocrats were not entirely free from fashion rules, though, as Emperor Justinian I (r. 52… The conquest of Rome by the barbarians brought the end of Western Roman Empire. p. 236. Constantinople (/ˌkɒnstæntɪˈnoʊpəl/[5] Greek: Κωνσταντινούπολη; Latin: Cōnstantīnopolis; Turkish: Kostantiniye) was the capital city of the Roman Empire (330–395), the Byzantine Empire (395–1204 and 1261–1453), the brief Crusader state known as the Latin Empire (1204–1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453–1923). 1299, the city was a very productive period productive period reason for the poor of 50 beds during times. Making preparations to reduce the Byzantine world, Hutchinson, London,,... 6, Inalcik, Halil the fleet on the site of the greatest works of art that survived... 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